Saturday, December 15, 2007

Which one of these ladies look like they have an agenda?

Look at this picture, courtesy of Joshua Lott for The New York Times. It is the Editorial board for the The Des Moines Register. Laura Hollingsworth, left, Carolyn Washburn and Carol Hunter. Which one has a agenda other than reporting. That's right. It's like playing monkey in the middle. We might as well put Mrs Washburn in a Hillary T-Shirt. At least the other two smiled, or tried to smile. I think this picture is all you need to know. How much do you want to make a bet that the two ladies in front answer to Washburn? How much do you want to bet that they endorse Hillary and Huckabee tonight? There is a chance they endorse Fred, but I bet they will endorse whoever Hillary thinks she can beat.
We will see,

Thursday, December 13, 2007

She's back! That may not good

Washburn is now grilling the Dems. Lets see if she is fair to the SIX of them.
NOT! It was just as bad for the Dems as the Reps, I think it may be her and her sense of importance. I am very dissapointed.
She did have more leeway with time with only six of them yet she seemed just as rushed. I think that Washburn is probably a moderate liberal that was doing her best to be fair and not cause any major flubs.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Iowa Debate - Who was the Winner?

RR's Thoughts on the Debate:

Tom is really fabulous and he is targeted on two issues, illegal immigration and the war against islamofacists. It is too bad that he cannot win a general election.
Keyes The Ambassador really is a great speaker and he is clearly being insulted by a process that allows Paul to speak but not him. Not that Paul does not deserve to be there, he does. But Keys should be allowed to play up to a point (Till After NH.)

He really stepped in it with his video statement regarding faith. Saying that a person stating he is a "person of faith, but it does not guide my decisions" is not really a person of faith. Huckbee is trying to twist and subtly attack Romney. I think Romney is on the high ground in this discussion and Huckabee really looks bad continuing to harp on this. The more he defines his candidacy on his religion and not being Mormon, takes away from his ability to show he has other issue based strengths for other voters who care less about what religion a leader is. I think that is his weakness here, he is a one point candidate (His Christianity) that sounds really good in sound bites,

Fred was presidential and the winner of this debate. I am not saying this cause Fred is my guy. (I am not pulling a "KJL" like her support of Romney) I really think he won the debate. Too bad it was at 2 pm on a Wednesday. Fred really nailed why he should be president with this statement,

"When the enemies of this country are at the negotiating table, who do you want representing you? Whoever that guy is, that's the guy you ought to vote for for President."

He was also good putting down that liberal moderator, Carolyn Washburn, editor of the Des Moines Register. Thompson stuck it to he on the global warming-hand up moment.

"I'm not doing any hand shows today."

Washburn was a factor in the debate. Carolyn (I have heard he called Nurse Ratchet) should be led out back and told to walk into the corn field never to return. Or she should be checked to see if she was a Clinton plant ( My guess is that she is a big time liberal.) She did a disservice to the potential republican caucus goers by holding a debate whose main goal was to make the candidates look stupid. I think her questions, time limits (although justified) and overall inability to really bring issues out was disappointing. I am curious to see if she 1. is still moderating the dem debate today and 2. if she asks similar irrelevant questions in similar ways to the dems.

I also thought her slam of the Republicans in the beginning of the debate was uncalled for. (Paraphrasing - the dems have debated a lot in Iowa, you haven't. So I am here to make you pay for that. WHAAA!!!!)

McCain and Giuliani
These two were at the debate? I think they were effectively neutered at this event. The format did not suit them. I think they could have skipped it and gotten a bump from it.

Other than KJL's love for Romney as a candidate rubbing off at NRO and getting him their endorsement, There really was no true good or bad done to or by Romney in this Debate. He does benefit every time the Huckster takes a crack at Mormons.

I bet today's debate will be very serious and will contrast well with the Repubs.

Stay Tuned,
Today at 2pm is the last chance for Fred (and McCain) to change this race in Iowa at the The Des Moines Register and Iowa Public Television Republican Debate. I will be listening and providing my comments later tonight. You too can listen here at 2 pm

He did what? Huckmentum Strikes Again!

Chuck Norris must be in charge of getting his endorsements. Mike Huckabee, who I believe cannot win the nomination because of his poor stance on border control and illegal immigration just got the endorsement of Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman Project. Read more here. I am stunned. I guess that Huckabee's new plan for illegal immigration control must be really good. But it is a definite flip-flop. It is interesting that the position on illegal immigration did not change until he actually had a shot at winning. Now one must gauge the convictions and seriousness of the Huckster commitment to this plan or will he revert back to his old stance once in office. His past liberal tax policies can be forgiven if he seals the border and protects life. But he has a long record as Governor opposing employer sanctions and pushing tax-subsidized illegal alien education benefits. I will have to look into Mr. Gilchrist and his statement more.

Stay Tuned,

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Filling the Void

Fred had finally woken up to the fact that he can't just waltz in the the nomination. Perhaps he has just been waiting for the Law and Order "Dum-Dum" sound to signal the kick off of his campaign. He is going to spend the next two weeks living and campaigning in Iowa It may be too late.
Let's look at some of the numbers from RCP.

11/25 - 12/06 Iowa Caucus RCP Average
Huckabee- 29.6 Romney - 23.4 Thompson - 10.6
Giuliani - 10.4 McCain - 6.3 Paul - 5.0
Spread -- Huckabee +6.2

In Iowa, Huckmentum, the corollary to Omentum (Oprah/Obama), has taken hold. The reason seems clear, and it is not really encouraging. The religious right in Iowa has decided to reject Romney for the Huckster. His move up seems to be occurring right after he stressed his christian background, putting Romney's faith in the light.
I do not agree that there should be a religious test for the nomination or to make you a conservative, but seemingly in Iowa, that is what is occurring. Huck is getting the majority of his support from evangelical Christians. From the Caucus Cooler...
"Whether you like it or not (we don't) the guy playing the most important role in GOP primary right now died about 2000 years ago... You can't underestimate the strength of the evangelical block in IA, and they've found their man...And its going to be a tough thing for even the most boffo political organization to stop."
I expect Huck to get brought down to earth before Christmas. Why? Because most people did not know anything about him. He was a blank state. He filled that conservative void that Fred was looking to fill. He may still win Iowa, but not at the margin he is at now. Why? Wayne Dumond, Tobacco Money Payments, and his stance on immigration.
Fred has to step it up and come in second in Iowa or Huckabee needs to lose in Iowa. If neither happens, Fred has no shot in S.C. Huckabee can't win the nomination either, solely based on his immigration position.
The Dems are very happy that Fred, McCain and Guliani are on the ropes. The media loves Huck. Mmm I wonder, do the Dems and media think that Huck would be good for them as a nominee? When you compare policy and position of Fred and Huckabee, Fred is the true heir to Reagan, but Huckabee comes off like Fred was supposed to, affable, quick, serious and approachable. If only Fred could take the void back from Huck.
Hillary is smiling....
Stay Tuned,