Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Pelosi, there you go again...

This picture shows why the Democrats are really not on our side. I think it speaks volumes.

Yes, she was going into a mosque. Yes, she was a guest of Syria. Yes, you could say she was being diplomatic. There is a lot to be said for respecting another's culture in their lands.

There is, however, a tenant of liberal doctrine that she is breaking. Democrats preach tolerance and acceptance of other people's beliefs and their right to exist. They believe that others should be allowed to practice what they want with no fear of retribution or discrimination.

Unless you are in a country deemed a supporter of terrorism. Then, as Nancy Pelosi showed, you must give your rights to practice what you believe and bow to their intolerance.

She put on a scarf/hijab during parts of her trip to Syria as to conform to the Baathist regime and the Islamic elements. She conformed to them because they would be offended if she didn't. Why can't Nancy ask them to respect her position as an American woman and let her go without covering her head? Why not ask them to be tolerant? Why not ask them to be respectful of the office of the Speaker of the House???

Why? Because that is not why she is there. She is not there to fact find. She is there to show them solidarity in their struggle against W. She is there to reassure them that the US is on their way out of Iraq and the Syrians have nothing to worry about.

Look at this from Breitbart...
'Syria treated the visit as a diplomatic victory. State-run newspapers published news of Pelosi's trip on their front pages, with one daily publishing a photograph of Pelosi next to the headline: "Welcome Dialogue."
But there were some warnings against high expectations.
Syria's ambassador to the United States, Imad Moustapha, described the visit as a "positive step" but said "it does not necessarily mean that the Bush administration would suddenly change its position" from Syria.
In comments to the state-run Al-Thawra daily published Tuesday, he said the visit should be a "reminder that even though we might disagree on politics, we should remain diplomatically engaged in dialogue to reach some understandings."
Pelosi is traveling with a delegation of U.S. lawmakers, including the first Muslim member of Congress, Keith Ellison, D-Minn.
In Israel, Pelosi said she would tell Syrian leaders that Israel will talk peace with them only if Syria stops supporting Palestinian militants. She has said she will also talk to the Syrians about Iraq, their role in neighboring Lebanon and their support for Lebanon's Hezbollah militants. '

Pelosi went over there to say, 'We are with you. And soon, so will the new president. So just hold on. Help is on the way' I thought that only the president and his administration can conduct matters of foreign affairs.

These are just my thoughts on this, don't get me started on Pelosi and Reid's move to cut funding...

Stay Tuned


(Picture from Drudge)


Catherine said...

It would be funny if it wasn't pathetic - Nancy thinks that while she's smirking and simpering and undermining her country, those leaders have some respect for her. But of course, what they really think is that she is just a useless, disloyal American woman allowing herself to be used. Sadly, they are right.

AmericanInfidel said...

Hmm...see this is why neo-cons shouldn't talk, and should probably be banned from accessing computers/internet. The Baathist regime is actually quite anti-Muslim in many respects, and in the very least, secular. She put on the scarf to show respect for the culture of many of the people in Syria, though many women in Syria do NOT wear the hijab themselves. You'd be surprised when walking down the streets of Damascus, not that any of that even matters...cultures are different and should be respected. However, since most of you neo-con fools probably believe Syrian women are walking around in burqas, why not google image some pictures of your average Damascene woman? It would probably blow your mind, if not make it explode due to insufficient storage space.