See Previous post for Part 1
You have to ask yourself, ‘How did a two year senator with very little experience get where he is?’ The answer is simple. Someone else supports him and is behind his campaign. There is only one person who would want a viable alternative to Hillary in the race to keep her engaged. There is only one person who knows Hillary well enough to know that the longer she is actively campaigns, the lower in the polls she will get. There is only one person knows that knows that Hillary will do anything she can to destroy her opponents.
Al Gore. That’s right, good old Al. You don’t see Al with Clinton campaigning. You don’t see Al out and about pushing for the good old days of Clinton to return. He is keeping his powder dry. Gore knows he can’t beat her one on one (She has too much dirt on him probably.) He is waiting for Hillary to unleash that attack on Obama that is so vicious and dirty that it backfires. Obama is almost bulletproof from attacks because he is a member of one of the most important voting blocks of the Democratic Party Base. But when Hillary does attack, and she will have too, Gore will sweep in defending Obama and then contrast Hillary’s actions to his own.
For the good of the party, Gore will announce he is running, with Obama (wounded from the Hillary attack machine) as is running mate, to prevent Hillary from getting in the White House This does two things. One it steals a the ABC election strategy from the republicans (Anyone But Hillary Clinton) and two, it brings a feel of an DC outsider (Gore, since his Hollywood travails has the appearance of an outsider) running for president that will attract the base, the liberal left and some independents. The Democrats will rally around eco-warrior Gore and actually back him to defeat Hillary.
This seems so obvious to me, Hillary and her people must see it too. All she has to do is resist the urge to attack Obama personally. If she sticks to issues and plugs along she may win or she may lose. If she attacks Obama personally, she is done. I think she knows what to do. I just think the Clintonistas will be not be able to control themselves. If so, the trap will be sprung, Hillary will be boxed in, and Al Gore will ride in to the rescue.
You have to ask yourself, ‘How did a two year senator with very little experience get where he is?’ The answer is simple. Someone else supports him and is behind his campaign. There is only one person who would want a viable alternative to Hillary in the race to keep her engaged. There is only one person who knows Hillary well enough to know that the longer she is actively campaigns, the lower in the polls she will get. There is only one person knows that knows that Hillary will do anything she can to destroy her opponents.
Al Gore. That’s right, good old Al. You don’t see Al with Clinton campaigning. You don’t see Al out and about pushing for the good old days of Clinton to return. He is keeping his powder dry. Gore knows he can’t beat her one on one (She has too much dirt on him probably.) He is waiting for Hillary to unleash that attack on Obama that is so vicious and dirty that it backfires. Obama is almost bulletproof from attacks because he is a member of one of the most important voting blocks of the Democratic Party Base. But when Hillary does attack, and she will have too, Gore will sweep in defending Obama and then contrast Hillary’s actions to his own.
For the good of the party, Gore will announce he is running, with Obama (wounded from the Hillary attack machine) as is running mate, to prevent Hillary from getting in the White House This does two things. One it steals a the ABC election strategy from the republicans (Anyone But Hillary Clinton) and two, it brings a feel of an DC outsider (Gore, since his Hollywood travails has the appearance of an outsider) running for president that will attract the base, the liberal left and some independents. The Democrats will rally around eco-warrior Gore and actually back him to defeat Hillary.
This seems so obvious to me, Hillary and her people must see it too. All she has to do is resist the urge to attack Obama personally. If she sticks to issues and plugs along she may win or she may lose. If she attacks Obama personally, she is done. I think she knows what to do. I just think the Clintonistas will be not be able to control themselves. If so, the trap will be sprung, Hillary will be boxed in, and Al Gore will ride in to the rescue.
1 comment:
It will be interesting to watch this unfold. Of course, Obama was never supposed to win that senate seat, but the Illinois republicans couldn't have botched that campaign more if they did it on purpose. If he's the fly in Hill's ointment, it works for me.
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