About three weeks ago I was wondering who I would vote for. I knew McCain, who I initially supported in 2000 (Sorry W, I did come around) was not an option for me. Even though he's strong on the war, some of his social positions are a little wobbly. That left Giuliani and Romney. I like Rudy, but his abortion position is troublesome. I know he would not impose his views on this issue on the country, but I just think that I want a stronger pro life candidate in the White House. And Mitt is Mitt. He's seems to be pretty good, but I just don't know enough about him.
That left me asking, who else could their be. I really like Tancredo, but he's 'not in it to win it' (Sorry Hillary, but the line fits.) Tancredo is there to really stir the pot on illegal immigration. I think he will do that, but I don't think he can win. The other second and third tier guys and gals are all good but not great. That's when I remembered the 2004 Republican convention speech/introduction by Fred Dalton Thompson. I remember that when I saw that, I thought, " WOW that guys got it all." They now call that GRAVITAS. And Thompson's got it.
I won't go into all his positions or why he is better than the other top three, but as a slew of conservative writers are saying, there is a conservative void in this group of candidates. Fred fills that void and carries with him the rest of the conservatives and republican party. His strait talk and understanding that DC is dangerous place for an honest man (W learned this lesson early on too.) will help him become the best option for the country in this time of need.
I believe he is currently gauging interest in a run. His mentor, former senator Howard Baker, is making the rounds measuring interest and setting up fundraising commitments, since if he does do this he will need $$$ in a hurry. With the advanced schedule he has to make up his mind soon. I think he will announce to run in April. I think if he decides to run, conservatives and republicans will RUN, not walk, to him as the front runner.
In the next couple of days I will outline why I think Fred is the man to lead us in 2008. Check out the Fred 2008 Buzz links to keep up to date with the latest news.
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