Wednesday, March 21, 2007

On the Fred/McCain Bait and Switch

H/T to Blonde Sagacity
There is this horrible speculation out there regarding a bait and switch by Fred to McCain.
"...There is, however, another theory circulating about Thompson, one being floated by critics of the Tennessean. Some Republican insiders suspect that Thompson, who makes no effort to hide his close friendship with McCain, instead might be working a behind-the-scenes, McCain-orchestrated strategy to build support among conservatives for the Arizonan. According to this theory, Thompson – who backed McCain in the 2000 presidential primary race – would build support and anticipation among conservatives for his own campaign, and then abruptly direct them instead to McCain's camp. Sources note that Thompson and McCain had an extensive telephone conversation on March 9, just two days before Thompson discussed his presidential ambitions on "Fox News Sunday." And both camps have worked hard to keep the substance of that conversation private. Whether or not he runs, Thompson might benefit McCain, if only because he appears to be slowing the momentum enjoyed recently by McCain's two main rivals, Giuliani and Romney, among conservatives..." (source)
I don't think Fred would do that, and If he did, I would lose a lot of respect for him. Why would conservatives, who are excited about Fred, jump to McCain, who is not a conservative...
I would not go to McCain. I would fall back to Giuliani or Romney, or pray Newt could roll on it. I don't think that Fred will drop out, seeing that he could be the front runner and even be president. If the opportunity is there to serve, great men find a way. I think Fred might be one of those men.
Stay Tuned

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

According to this theory, Thompson – who backed McCain in the 2000 presidential primary race – would build support and anticipation among conservatives for his own campaign, and then abruptly direct them instead to McCain's camp.

Wouldn't work.